How do you like *THESE* sunglasses?

You know what the difference is between not working and being on vacation?

Having a job!

Well, guess WHAT!!!

Now, I am on VACATION!!!

The last time I bought a pair of sunglasses, I thought I was on "vacation" in Lebanon, because I thought I had a job to come back to. But, as you know, that fell through.

So, the ones in the picture? I only tried them on. This time I am going to wait till I actually start working before I buy a new pair.

No premature sunglasses jinx this time, PLEASE!!

I feel so happy because I got a job offer two days before I left for my trip to Argentina.

In fact, I got two job offers! On the same day!

It is incredible how everything aligned; I couldn't have planned it better if I tried.

In fact, I feel like the universe has just been aligning for me in the most supportive way since March 15, the day the catalyst for the The Idea happened. And since then, it has just been one thing after another!

In case you don't know, I started writing my book on March 20th and 23 days later I was done my first draft. Then, in order to start building an audience, I started my blog and began working on my social media exposure. And, right after that, the universe aligned for the Desperation story to happen which really helped my blog take off.

Then, in June, when I was deep into editing my book and writing and promoting my blog, I was given a month's notice that I was not going to have my contract renewed at my job.

Again, perfect timing. I decided to not freak out and instead to enjoy my summer and focus on my creative endeavors, trusting that clearly the universe wants me to pursue this.

But seriously? Enjoy my summer?


Did summer happen?? I wouldn't really know. I was inside for most of it glued to my computer and my phone.

Over the summer, I interviewed for quite a few jobs, two or which seemed extremely promising and I felt very confident that I was going to get an offer. However, the universe apparently had other (better) plans for me because they both fell through.

Although I was disappointed each time (I have to admit, it was a little depressing: I felt rejected constantly, both professionally AND romantically), I trusted that there must be a reason...

And, the universe proved me right!

First of all, if I had gotten either of those jobs, I would not be writing this post from Argentina!

But, more importantly, both of those jobs had really long commutes, meaning that I would have less free time to work on my blog and promote my book after I started working again.

Well, GUESS WHAT!!!  The job I actually ended up getting is...


Thanks universe!

On top of all this, the day before I got my job offers, was actually the day I finished the final edits on my book!

Then, the day that I received the offer, I got to spend as my last day with Nora, out on the Potomac all day on a boat. Here I am on a TUESDAY no longer unemployed but on vacation!!

Finally, the day after, I left for a three week trip to Argentina, even more happy that I had made the decision to go and so relieved that I would actually be able to fully enjoy myself.

The best part: I don't have to look for a job while I am here!!!

I am in awe of how all the timing worked out and I feel so grateful and lucky.

I am also proud of myself (the best feeling) because, though the universe was definitely on my side, I put a lot of work and energy into positioning myself for all the alignment to happen.

I had a college professor who used to always say, "There is no such thing as luck. Luck is when preparation and opportunity collide."

And, I have been preparing myself ever since.

Thank you Professor Smith for that lesson.

And, THANK YOU universe for the opportunities.

Do you have any amazing stories of when the universe aligned for you? Tell me in the comments!

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  1. I am so happy that it worked out. and those sunglasses look wonderful

  2. You’ve been busting your ass, working two unpaid jobs (job search and book/blog) plus everything else on your plate. You’ve earned every bit of that “luck”, and the universe is just getting started in recognizing and rewarding your hard work! “The harder you work, the luckier you get”

    1. Thank you very much Larry! You are right! I sure have been! And yeah, that is a good quote too!

    2. Congrats Jenn, patience and staying positive always pay off. That winning smile I'm sure didn't hurt!

      Enjoy the rest of your trip, celebrate your successes and hard work.

    3. Sorry, really thought it grabbed my info. That was me ;)

  3. There are sometimes those impressionable moments when impressionable people tell you impressionable things. This quote has now found its place in my imagination. luck and opportunity collide...I love it. It actually fits perfectly with the theme of a blog I'm starting. I'll tell you about it sometime. Meanwhile, enjoy Argentina! You deserve it :)

    1. You are so on point Matthew Johnson! Yes, tell me about your blog! And thank you! I sure am enjoying it - having a great time!

  4. I think it's awesome that things worked out for you. Amazing things can happen when you work hard and have the universe on your side. Over the past few months the universe has aligned many things for me too, including some wisdom from your blog entries. And very timely responses from Twitter and Instagram. So thank for the work you put into it. And I do like the sunglasses, but the other ones were pretty nice too.

    1. Thank you so muy kz1000guy! I am so glad to hear the universe has been aligning for you too! That is awesome and a great feeling!


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